Sunday, December 18, 2005

Conspiracy A-Go-Go

This bit of Illuminati-styled fact gathering regarding Dave Chappelle's stunning fall from grace is the perfect work day indulgence. Its sinister plot line is just zany enough to keep you from being bored in your cubicle while liberaly dusted with sufficient paranoia to leave you nervously imagining your own office GM monitoring your every web footprint. Bosses we all know are out to get you but this is some real et tu, Brute? shit. Whoever created it is probably having a great laugh, but then again may have already been stabbed in the back for exposing the truth. In his/her own words:

I have written this account without the need for embellishments or exaggerations for the truth is appalling enough. Let this site serve as a drawn curtain to the entertainment industry which is blindly adored by the entire world.

Huh? Remember, the only definitive revelation is that the truth is hidden elsewhere. But if you are wondering about Dave Chappelle...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pills, booze and muslims have taken the best of us down


the running mule

the running mule