Thursday, November 24, 2005

More Superstars in the VICE Stable

Malcolm "Tennessee Tuxedo" Campbell is our new wisecracking Group Publisher who resides on City Island, north of NYC, where he dry docks his boats, his wives and his children. Like his cartoon namesake (you think I would use his real picture? the guy is our secret weapon and he needs to remain covert) Malcolm is endlessly and valiantly scheming in an attempt to raise the renown of the VICE brand. I am sure he is up to the challenge, as he could talk a hungry dog off a meatwagon. And Lordy, you had best hide the Jack Daniels when he and his kinfolk visit. So Happy Thanksgiving to us! You can imagine his dim-witted pal, Chumley the Walrus, representing anyone you wish. Hooray for make believe.


Anonymous said...

It will go head-to-head for advertisers and readers against mainstays such as Rolling Stone and Spin, as well as more genre-specific music magazines like Vibe and The Source, says publisher Malcolm Campbell, who was formerly the publisher of Spin.

Anonymous said...

could his pal chumley the dim witted walrus be anyone BUT shane? no, not our shane!!!!


the running mule

the running mule